Kendhang or gendhang is one of the main instruments of the gamelan. Its main function is to regulate the rhythm and tempo of the entire gamelan instruments. how to ring it by hand. This includes percussion instruments because the average user with beated. Types of small kendang called ketipung, the medium is called kendang ciblon / Kebar. Couple ketipung there is one more named kendang gedhe called kendang kalih. Kalih played kendang on the song or the character gendhing smooth like Ketawang, gendhing kethuk kalih, and ladrang rhythm dadi. Can also be played quickly on the opening song kind of launch, ladrang rhythm responsibility. For there is one more puppet kendhang typical of kendhang doormat.
kendang are usually played by a gamelan player who has played professionally because most players fit instinct. if different players it will be different shades.
Saron also called ricik is one of the gamelan instruments that include family balungan. In one set of gamelan usually have 4 saron. All of which consist of versions slendro and pelog.
How to beat saron there is an appropriate tone, the tone returns, or beating alternately between saron 1 and saron 2. Fast slow and hard weak depending on the command of the kendang and the type of gendhing. In gendhing Gangsaran describing the condition of war for example, saron sounded loud and fast. In a military nuanced gendhing Gati, saron sounded slow but hard. When accompanying the song sounded softly.
In the play saron, right hand hit the metal plate with a percussion instrument, then the left hand push that struck the previous plate to eliminate the buzz is left of beating the previous tone. Technique is called memathet (root word: pathet = push)
A. Panerus Bonang
Panerus Bonang is the highest of them, and use the smallest kettle. Generally covers two octaves (sometimes more in slendro on Solo-style instrument), covering approximately the same range with saron and Pekinese mix. He played rhythm that bonang fastest, withered with each other or play at twice the speed of bonang barung.
B. Barung Bonang
Barung Bonang is pitched one octave below bonang panerus, and also generally covers two octaves, approximately the same class and saron demung combined. This is one of the most important instruments in the ensemble, because many provide cues to other players in the gamelan.
C. Panembung Bonang
Panembung Bonang is the lowest tone. It is more common in Yogyakarta gamelan style, covering approximately the same range with slenthem and demung combined. When present in Solo gamelan-style, may only have one row of six (slendro) or seven kettles heard in the same list as these slenthem. This repertoire is reserved for the loudest, usually played balungan other than that.